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SCUSD Preschool Programs are offered full and part day with options for ten or twelve months during the year.  The programs emphasize kindergarten readiness skills, social and emotional development, physical and creative development in an active participatory learning environment.  Children have the opportunity to learn individually and in small and large groups

The preschool programs are currently rated at the highest tiers, platinum and gold in the “Quality Matters... A Strong Start for kids”  Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS). The purpose of this initiative is to acknowledge and identify high quality early learning preschool programs in California. Programs are assessed based on the following elements: Child Observation, Developmental and Health Screening, Effective Teacher-Child Interactions, Ratios and Group Size, Environment, and Staff Training and Education

Physical development is supported by:

  • Promoting physical activity
  • Providing sufficient time to move within the indoor and outdoor spaces
  • Providing equipment, materials and guidelines for active play and movement

Social/Emotional development is supported by:

  • Building trust
  • Planning routines and transitions so they can occur in a predictable and unhurried manner
  • Help children develop emotional security and facility in social relationships

Cognitive & Language skills are supported by:

  • Various strategies, including experimentation, inquiry, observation, play and exploration
  • Providing opportunities for creative self-expression through activities such
  • as art, music, movement and dialogue
  • Promoting interaction and language use among children and between children and adults
  • Supporting emerging literacy and numeracy development


  • 3 to entry into kindergarten


  • Adult to child ratios are based on age groups and follow Title 5 & 22 regulations.

Program Schedule

  • Full and part day schedules available Monday to Friday, 10 and 12 month program available. Hours of operation vary at program sites.


All families who wish to participate in either the Early Learning programs in the 2024-2025 school year must submit a common application form. Upon the completion of submitting this form, you will be contacted when a space becomes available to enroll your child.

Application Form

Application Tutorial

More Information

Tuition assistance available

Enrollment Questions?



Nancy Morin-Roman
Program Administrator -
Early Learning
(408) 423- 3679

Corina Britton
Secretary - Early and Extended Learning
(408) 423-3687