Residency Verification
Residency Verification is a process where families provide proof that they live within the school district's boundaries. All new families and families with a student enrolling in grades 3, 6, and 9 for the 2024-2025 school year are required to complete the Residency Verification form. Residency verification must be completed between July 22 and August 7, 2024, for your child to start on the first day of school.
This process ensures that, in compliance with California Education Code (EDC) Section 48200 and our Board Policy (BP 5111.1), our schools serve those students and families residing within our school district boundaries and that we spend our resources efficiently and effectively to the benefit of SCUSD students and families.
Families will receive a school-specific link from with instructions on how to upload current proof of residency documents to the online enrollment system.
Step 1 | Collect Important Information
Before you begin the residency verification, we recommend you gather all the required Proof of Residency documents.
Step 2 | Check Receipt of Email
On July 22, 2024, the primary parent/guardian contact listed in our student information system will receive an email and text message from our online enrollment system with information about how to complete the residency verification.
If you are experiencing technical difficulties logging into the online enrollment system, please contact for assistance.
Step 3 | Complete Form
To complete the residency verification:
- Click on the link provided in the 2024-2025 residency verification email.
- Sign in to our online enrollment system, SchoolMint, using the link provided.
Select the student whose Residency Verification form you are completing — this must be done for each student entering grades 3, 6, and 9 for the 2024-2025 school year.
- After you select the student, you will be prompted to complete the 2024-2025 Residency Verification form.
- Once the form is complete and the required proof of residency documents are uploaded, click "Submit".
Step 4 | Document Review
School sites and the Enrollment Center will partner to verify documents uploaded in the form. Once your documents are verified the status on your child’s dashboard will be updated to “verified.” You will be notified via email if the documents uploaded are incorrect or invalid.