Change of Address
A parent/guardian must notify the district within 15 calendar days of any change of address.
Please complete the Change of Address on our online enrollment system by following the steps below:
- Log in to our online enrollment system
- Select your child's name, and click continue
- Enter your new address
- Upload the required proof of address documents
- Submit the form
Once your form has been reviewed, you will receive an email confirmation.
If you have moved outside the Santa Clara Unified School District boundaries, you may apply for an Interdistrict Transfer Request. Our current board policy only allows for interdistrict transfers from another district in limited cases.
If you need assistance updating your address, please contact our Enrollment Center. The Enrollment Center can be reached Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at (408) 423-3596,, or in-person at 1840 Benton Street (H1), Santa Clara, CA 95050.