Individual school closure is recommended based on the number of cases, the percentage of the teacher/students/staff that are positive for COVID-19, and following consultation with the Local Health Officer. The following are the general parameters of when a school closure may occur.
- Individual school closure may be indicated when an outbreak occurs in 25% or more of a classroom within a 14 day period or when at least 3 outbreaks (3 positive cases are defined as 1 outbreak) have occurred in the school AND more than 5% of the school population is infected
- The Local Health Officer may also determine school closure is warranted for other reasons, including results from public health investigation or other local epidemiological data.
However, after each instance of a positive COVID-19 test, local county public health is contacted and they will advise on school closure on a case-by-case basis.
Schools may typically reopen after 14 days and the following have occurred:
- Cleaning and disinfection
- Public health investigation
- Consultation with the local public health department
A superintendent may close a school district if 25% or more of schools in a district have closed due to COVID-19 within 14 days, and in consultation with the local public health department.
Districts may typically reopen after 14 days, in consultation with the local public health department.