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Crisis Services

If you are having a medical or mental health emergency, please:

  • Call or text 988 or chat - A 24hour crisis hotline with various languages available
  • Contact Pacific Clinics Mobile Crisis Unit - Immediate mental health services, 24 hrs 7 days a week - 408-379-9085
  • Call 911 and request the Psychiatric Emergency Response Team (PERT) or visit your nearest hospital emergency room if you can get there safely.
  • Register with To Be Honest (TBH), a free 24 hour mental health service. 

Santa Clara Unified School District is committed to the health and well-being of all students. The district acknowledges that students learn best when their social and emotional health is tended to. With this in mind, SCUSD offers a number of programs and services that promote student well-being and support suicide prevention. These programs range from on site wellness centers, to free on site counseling, to crisis support.

Each school site has a professional Wellness team that works collaboratively with families, students and staff to ensure that emotional barriers to student learning are identified and addressed. If your student is experiencing distress or needs assistance with issues of well-being, please contact your child's counselor or a site administrator. 

Additionally, SCUSD's Board Policy (BP) and Administrative Regulation (AR) on Suicide Prevention Resources can be found here: BP 5141.52 / AR 5141.52

Learn About Suicide Prevention

Suicide is the leading cause of death among 15-19 year olds in the United States.  According to the Jason Foundation "More teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease, combined."  Therefore, it is important that we recognize signs of suicide and how to ask for help.