District Surveys
General Survey Information:
SCUSD partners with WestEd to administer the California School Climate, Health and Learning surveys (CalSCHLS), a set of three research based assessments focused on perceptions of students, staff and parents/families, as well as the Santa Clara Office Of Education to administer the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Survey. Together, these surveys assist the district to gather important information on risk and resiliency factors. Administration of these two surveys alternate each year.
CalSCHLS is a tool supported by the California Department of Education to help district meet Local Control Accountability Plan priorities to improve school climate, pupil engagement, parent involvement, and academic achievement.
The CalSCHLS system:
Enables similar schools and districts to compare their results;
provides aggregated county and statewide data to guide policies and programmatic efforts at these broader geographic levels and serve as norms for comparison to local results; and
creates a dataset about California youth, schools, and parents to improve understanding of the factors affecting successful school and youth outcomes and how they vary across the state.
Reports for SCUSD:
CalSCHLS reports are shared with district and site leaders to inform and support programming, outreach and related services. To review SCUSD CalSCHLS reports, please visit Santa Clara Unified School District Reports. 2023-2024 CalSCHLS results will be able in January 2024. For more detailed information, please visit CalSCHLS.org
CalSCHLS Reports:
Together the CalSCHLS surveys cover a broad range of domains that can be compared across surveys as well as with other Local Educational Agencies. Key domains of CalSCHLS data are also included in SCUSD’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and are monitored as part of LCAP Goals.
Administration of CalSCHLS:
CalSCHLS was last administered in fall of the 2021-22 school year and will be administered every other school year. SCUSD uses results of the three CalSCHLS sections to assess needs, guide program and support services, and monitor key areas of student well-being and the overall school climate and culture.
CalSCHLS Areas of Focus
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Survey Reports
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Survey
Social Emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
The two components of the SEL survey includes: Social Emotional Learning and College and Career Readiness
Social Emotional Learning Component
The SEL Survey items are grouped into 7 competencies with 3 questions per group:
Competencies include:
Relationship Skills
Self-awareness (future)
Self-awareness (learning)
Social awareness (classroom setting)
Social awareness (school setting)
Self management (school setting)
Responsible decision making
Career and College Readiness (CCR) Component
The CCR Survey items are grouped according to school level.