Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
Santa Clara Unified School District's MTSS
MTSS Definition: "A complex schooling structure that brings together educator knowledge of context, science, and systems resulting in positive benefits for each and every student. It is an organizing framework that uses specific data sources to inform decisions coordinating diverse academic, behavioral, and social resources to meet the needs of each and every student in a dynamic and timely fashion." - Leading Equity-Based MTSS for All Students (McCart, A. & Miller, D., 2020)
Key Domains:
Social-Emotional Domain:
- Second Step/Social-emotional learning curriculum
- DESSA (Devereux Student Strengths Assessment)
Behavioral Domain:
- Attendance
- Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
- Restorative Practices
Academic and College/Career Domain:
- English Language Learner Strategies
- iReady/ Common Assessments
- Self-exploration assessments
- College and Career exploration/ planning
MTSS is a multi-level prevention system that includes three tiers of intensity for instruction, intervention, and supports. Tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 are terms used in education to describe different levels of intervention and support that students may need to achieve academic, social-emotional and/or behavioral success.
Tiers Defined:
All tiers provide data-driven, evidence-based practices that are implemented with fidelity, taking into account cultural and linguistic responsiveness and the recognition of student strengths.
Tier 1:
Adults provide curriculum, instruction, and supports in academic, social-emotional, and behavioral domains, aligned to grade-level standards, to meet the needs of all students. These school-wide practices positively and measurably impact school climate.
Tier 2:
Adults use data to identify and respond to specific students with additional needs that are not adequately being met within Tier 1. Supports may include academic, behavioral, and/or social-emotional interventions, delivered individually or in small groups, based on student needs.
Tier 3:
Adults provide targeted and intensive support(s) for students who demonstrate more need(s) than tier 1 and tier 2 supports alone can provide. Practices are designed to help support students' continual and complex academic, social-emotional/mental health, and/or behavioral needs.
Signs of MTSS @ SCUSD