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Health Bulletin

Children of school age may be exposed to a variety of communicable diseases and sometimes it is difficult to decide whether or not to send your child to school. Refer to the symptoms below when making that decision.

Your Child Needs to Stay Home When Experiencing: 

  • Symptoms (overall, not feeling well) that prevent them from participating meaningfully in routine class activities

  • Vomiting - cannot hold down liquids and food
  • Fever of 100.4 or higher; or a fever accompanied by another system
  • Diarrhea - Unable to be contained, containing mucus/blood or looks tarry (black)
  • Rash or open sores that are oozing, cannot be covered, are spreading rapidly, or accompanied by another symptom
  • Contagious disease*

*Pertussis, Hand Foot & Mouth, Norovirus, Strep Throat, Impetigo, and others

Health Concerns

Please notify your school nurse of any health problems or concerns regarding your child during the school year.


In accordance with California Law, in order for school staff to assist a child who must take medication (prescription or over-the-counter) during school hours, parent/guardian must provide:

  • A detailed written prescription by a licensed health care provider and parent/guardian written request
  • Medication must be supplied in the original pharmacy labeled container.

Under special circumstances, an older student may be allowed to carry emergency medication (inhaler/epinephrine) if written authorization is obtained by the provider and parent/guardian and is approved by the school nurse. All forms are available in the office. 

If Your Child Becomes Ill or Injured at School

  • Make arrangements to pick your child up immediately.
  • Have an alternate plan for care if you are not available. 
  • Keep your emergency phone contact information up to date. 
  • Evaluate your child's readiness to return to school based on symptoms, and if they are able to participate in daily activities.

A Note About Head Lice

Head lice is a common occurrence. Lice do not spread disease, but can become a nuisance.  Please notify the school if you find the presence of lice or nits on your child.  Information on identification of lice and treatment is available from the school office. 

Vision & Hearing Screenings

Students in grades TK/K, 2, 5 and 8 are screened during the school year. You will be notified in writing if your child fails a screening. If you have concerns about your child's vision or hearing in any other grade, please contact your school nurse through the school office. 

For more information, please use the link below:

California Department of Public Health Website