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Identification and Progress Monitoring

Identification and Progress Monitoring

Home Language Survey

The California Education Code contains legal requirements that direct schools to assess the English language proficiency of students. The process begins with determining the language(s) spoken in the home of each student. The responses to the home language survey will assist in determining if a student's proficiency in English should be tested. Although the home language survey is completed each time a family registers in a new California school district, the original home language survey is recorded in the California school database (CALPADS) and is always the survey that is followed if the responses are different. Parents have the right to correct the home language survey one time in a student’s career before the administration of the Initial English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPAC). For more information visit the California Department of Education website.

Initial ELPAC

The Initial ELPAC is the required state test for English language proficiency that is given to students whose home language survey shows a language other than English as responses to questions one, two, or three. If the only reported language other than English is as the answer to question 4, the decision to administer the Initial ELPAC is based on teacher and/or parent recommendation. The purpose of the Initial ELPAC is to determine the English proficiency of students entering California schools for the first time. For more information visit the California Department of Education website.

Summative ELPAC

The Summative ELPAC measures how well English learner students are progressing with English language development in each of the four domains. The purpose of the Summative ELPAC is to measure progress toward English proficiency and to help determine if a student is ready to be reclassified. This is important to ensure that students continue to receive the support they need to do well in school. For more information visit the California Department of Education website.

English Learner Monitoring

The district and each school must monitor student academic progress and provide additional and appropriate educational services to English learners in grades TK–12 to overcome language barriers in each subject matter. Actions to overcome academic barriers must be taken before the deficits become irreparable.

RFEP monitoring

The district and each school must monitor the progress of reclassified students for a minimum of four years to ensure correct classification, placement, and additional academic support, as needed. (20 U.S.C. Section 6841[a][4][5]; 5 CCR Section 11304)


When an EL student can perform academically at grade level and access content in English as other same cohort English-speaking students, such EL student is reclassified. This is the culmination and expectation for the educational trajectory of any EL student in the district, and it is a reason for celebration for the family and the entire educational community. For more information click the following link to see the SCUSD Reclassification Criteria