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Oversight Committees

The term of service for the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee is two years, members are eligible to serve up to three consecutive terms. 
A committee is composed of seven positions.
Each position has the following requirements:

  • Active in a business organization representing the business community
  • Actively involved in a senior citizens organization 
  • An active member of a bond fide taxpayers organization
  • A parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the District
  • A parent or guardian also an active member of a parent-teacher organization
  • Representing the community-at-large
  • Representing the community-at-large
  • Representing the community-at-large

Consolidated Citizen's Independent Oversight Committee Members 

For Measure J-2004, Measure H-2010, Measure H-2014, Measure BB-2018:

  • Business Organization, Charitha Perera
  • Senior Citizens Organization, Jim van Pernis
  • Taxpayer Organization,Mary Ng Dooley
  • Parent, Brett McLarney
  • Parent Organization, Michelle Villagomez
  • At-Large, Noel Matyas
  • At-Large, Tim Towers
  • At-Large, Vladimir Raykin

Annual Work Plans