Measure BB
Measure BB 2018
Authorization: On November 6, 2018, Measure BB was approved 67.35% of the registered voters of the Santa Clara Unified School District authorizing the issuance and sale of $720 million principal amount of general obligation bonds.
Purpose: The summarized text of the ballot language was as follows:
"To construct classrooms, labs, and school libraries to support student achievement, college readiness, and career training in math, science, engineering, technology, and arts; acquire, renovate, construct and equip facilities to improve older schools; to fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing and electrical systems, shall Santa Clara Unified School District issue $720 million in bonds, raising approximately 5 cents/$ I00 of assessed value ($45 million annually) for 32 years to improve local schools, with independent citizen oversight, and all money staying local."
Full Bond Project List: Resolution 18-42, Exhibit A “Ballot Measure, Full Text of the Measure
Issuances: On April 11, 2019, the District issued Series 2019 General Obligation Bonds totaling $360,000,000