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Equity and Social Justice Committee

The purpose of the Equity and Social Justice Committee is to provide recommendations, support, and program monitoring to promote SCUSD’s work to become more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and anti-racist through its policies, practices, and programs. 

Role of Committee 

In alignment with Vision 2035, the role of this committee is to provide recommendations, support, and program monitoring to promote SCUSD’s work to become more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and anti-racist through its policies, practices, and programs. The committee will work with the superintendent to engage in regular communication with the SCUSD community to provide progress updates. 

  • Define and evolve an equity definition/statement and framework to establish common language across the district 
  • Identify equity gaps/challenges through research/data analysis. Specific areas of focus will include equity gaps related to: 
    • Access and resource allocation
    • Academic and social emotional outcomes
    • Staffing, recruitment, and retention
    • School culture and disciplinary practices 
  • Make recommendations through an Equity Impact Action Plan, aligned to Vision 2035 and the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, to district leadership
  • Monitor and measure the implementation and the impact of the plan’s recommendations regarding student progress
  • Provide input and feedback to the superintendent on key initiatives and policies with equity implications


In Spring 2021, an invitation to join the ESJC was shared with the SCUSD community. A total of 99 applications were received and 20 individuals were selected. ESJC membership reflects a diverse stakeholder group who represents all school levels, demographics of our community, and roles (e.g., students, parents, classified staff, teachers, community members). 

These 20 founding committee members will serve a two-year term from July 2021 to June 2023. 

There will be several upcoming opportunities for the SCUSD community to give input into this process.

Membership Responsibilities

  • Attend monthly two-hour meetings and participate in sub-committee meetings.
  • Participate in meeting discussions by sharing ideas, expertise, and experiences.
  • Commit to continuous learning, reflection, and leadership development.
  • Serve as an ambassador for respective constituencies and the broader community.
  • Serve as a resource for sharing information about equity and inclusion. 
  • Review reports, documents, and other materials to help ensure alignment with SCUSD’s mission, vision, and equity priorities.
  • Collaborate with staff liaisons to inform them of the committee’s work. 
  • Follow established board policies.


Brenda Carrillo, Ed.D
Director, Student Services
(408) 423-3532  

Carrie Casto
Principal, Santa Clara Adult Education 
(408) 423-3501

In Partnership with: 
Edith Mancera de Gonzalez
Coordinator of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Collaborative
Santa Clara County Office of Education