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District Advisory Committee

The District Advisory Committee's (DAC) overall purpose is to provide the Superintendent and the Board of Trustees with a diverse range of stakeholder perspectives and input on district goals and strategic actions to improve student achievement, including the LCAP and the Strategic Plan.

Role of Committee

The DAC meets three or four times per year and is composed of parents, students, staff, and community members. Members of the DAC provide input and feedback on the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), the implementation of the Strategic Plan, and progress toward the district's goals. 

Membership Responsibilities

Members of the DAC commit to four meetings scheduled quarterly. Committee members provide open and honest feedback regarding information presented supporting development of the new LCAP and Strategic Plan and base decisions on the needs of all Santa Clara Unified School District students. 


As an element of the California Local Control Funding Formula process, each California school district is required to annually submit an updated LCAP. The LCAP planning process includes local decision-making based on input from stakeholders including parents, school site staff, students, and community members.  Stakeholders on the District Advisory Committee analyze district data and input processes and provide feedback on goals, actions, and budget priorities aimed to ensure that all students receive an equitable educational opportunity. The LCAP is a key component supporting the implementation of the Strategic Plan.

Committees Calendar Coming Soon!


Brad Stam
Chief Academic
and Innovation Officer
(408) 423-2008

Meeting Schedule and Agendas